Monday, December 14, 2009

Wifey by Judy Blume

Plot Summary: Sandy Pressman is the wife of Norman, a successful but dull businessman, has two children and after 12 years of marriage, is utterly bored with her 1970's New Jersey suburban housewife role. She idolizes Jackie Kennedy, has fantasies about the guy who drives by on a motorcycle and wonders what ever happened to her exciting high school boyfriend, Shep.

When her kids are away at summer camp she decides to explore the possibilities for an extra-marital affair. She starts by looking up her friend in New York with an open marriage, has an unexpected encounter with her brother-in-law, and eventually reunites with Shep, who is interested in going further than they did in high school. Sandy starts to get confused about what she wants and then discovers evidence that maybe Norman has been having a long term affair.

I first read this book several years ago but recently read it again. When I picked it up off the shelf at Barnes and Noble, I had no idea when this book was written. I had no idea that Judy Blume had been writing adult novels for years. I was instantly intrigued as I loved many of her books from my childhood. But this is no children's book! When I read it, around 2004 I think, the language and subjects were quite shocking! Now imagine reading this in the 70's when it was first published! There are many swear words, sexual fantasies and interludes and other adult themes. If I had discovered this book when I was younger, who knows what I might have learned! So, keep this book out of reach of children and even teens. I wouldn't suggest this book for anyone younger than 18 and only because by then they are legally an adult and can go to war so I guess they could handle it.

I found that the plot was boring, but I think that is the point. Sandy is bored. She's unhappy in her marriage and so she just goes about life while nothing happens to her. There is a plot and a pretty good one at that, but it is slow getting to the point. This book is pretty short read and you could read it in a weekend if you were diligent. I recommended the book for my book club and the others didn't quite agree with my review of it...but hey, what can I say, I like a good dirty book.